[postlink]https://facefactorguild.blogspot.com/2009/06/rohan-bot.html[/postlink]Buat yang suka utak-utik game (maen pake BOT) ini ada link buat BOT ROHAN.
BOT yang ada disini buat ROHAN US sama ROHAN PH.
Kali aja ada yang bisa EDIT2 biar bisa dipake buat ROHAN INDO^^
Silahkan dicoba :D


[postlink]https://facefactorguild.blogspot.com/2009/06/penutupan-close-beta-rohan.html[/postlink]Wew ternyata gw maen ROHAN jg ^^
Kenang2an pas penutupan close beta nech ^^

Begaya Dikit Bareng Mamien :D

Ama Chatrine ^^

Test Skill :D

nah klo ntar Close beta 2 dibuka lagi tanggal 2 Juli (huhuhu ga ktmu Mamien dech >.<), moga2 bisa ketemu bareng2 lagi. Hunt lagi jadi bisa bikin FaceFactorr Guild lagi.....
Ditunggu lho yg mo bareng ^^

Penutupan Close Beta RoHan

[postlink]https://facefactorguild.blogspot.com/2009/06/kumpul2-yuk.html[/postlink]Kumpul-KumpuL yuk !!!!!
waktu dan tempat terserah kalian

YM : andra_Wahyudi
FB : gegeH raka wahyudi

kumpul2 yuk ....

[postlink]https://facefactorguild.blogspot.com/2009/06/mamienhehehehapa-kabar-cemuaaaaa.html[/postlink]gimana kabarnya cemua ?? sehat ??
heheh masih pd idup ? :d all kebanyakan lg pd maen game ol apaan nich ???
Mamien <== dah lama gk OL gk isa huhu.. gara2 ada beberapa project lapangan :(
kangen ich ma kalian semua mmuach2 tar kita ketemu di Rohan or Cl yah :d
CU all

Mamien...Heheheh......Apa kabar Cemuaaaaa

[postlink]https://facefactorguild.blogspot.com/2009/06/celestial-destroyer.html[/postlink] Celestial Destroyer Background In the beginning, the world of man was beset by tempestuous storms. The thunderous roar of lightning wracked the land and disasters befell mankind. Man lamented his inability to escape death and calamities and throughout the land was heard the wail of despair. In desperation, man imagined that there were nine heaves above, where mighty gods dwell and nine netherworlds below where souls went to rest in the infernal halls. Thus did man begin to hope for immortality and devoted their worship to the great gods they had brought forth. Despite the knowledge that death was unavoidable, all that lives, loves life and fears death. Belief in the infernal lands haunted man, and so, man yearned ever more for immortality. Thus did wise men and sages begin to search for the secrets of immortality. Though immortality was still unattainable, there were some who were well cultivated in the mystical arts that understood the secrets of Heaven and Earth, and even as mortals they had great powers, with various magical weapons they could shake the Heavens and make the earth tremble. The mortals that practiced the art of mystical cultivation were innumerable, as many as the carps in the rivers. For the Middle Plain is vast, and those with strange power were many, there were countless ways of mystical cultivation. The secrets of immortality are still unattainable, yet already different sects and clans have formed. These were divided into those who followed the path of righteousness and those who pursued the heretic path. Once an apprentice of the righteous path, Zhang Xiaofan was hated by his brethren for loving Biyao, the daughter of the Ghost Lord. Later he betrayed the Green Cloud Sect and became a disciple of the GhostLord Clan, changing his name to Ghostry. And on the Mountain of GreenCloud, a heart broken Lu Xueqi that loved Zhang Xiaofan with all her heart and soul had to endure the avarice and persecution of her clan. As the wars between the Righteous and Heretic paths continued, hordes of monsters and demons invaded the Middle Plain. Death and destruction spread everywhere, and the thousands of bodies left unburied created a stench that brought about the saying “Heaven and Earth are ruthless, trampling all creatures like straw dogs”. Brought to the brink of extinction by this great calamity, the paths of Righteousness and Heresy have to abandon their old rivalry, and stand united to face the demons and monsters. Will Zhang Xiaofan find the way to save the life of Bi Yao? Will the Heretic and the Righteous sects put aside all the hatred and work together against the coming calamity? Destiny is in your hand, join us in the battle to save this enchanting, mythical world! The world of the Celestial Destroyer!
Ini salah satu game yang mirip banget ama PerfectWorld
Menurut gw gameplaynya lumayan enak, jadi layak buat dicoba:D Mapnya Gede Bangets, tp enaknya tinggal klick di maplangsung lari dah :P
klomo liat lengkapnya bisa di http://zx.cubizone.com/eng/
servernya dah open beta. So Guys, klo mo maen, bareng yach :D

Celestial Destroyer

Iseng - iseng nyari domain buat blog ini, dapet juga akhirnya
Moga - moga keisengan ini ada gunanya buat qt smua.
Nah sekarang buat masuk ke blog ini bisa langsung ketik
lebih singkat kan dari nulis facefactorguild.blogspot.com :D
Gw berharap blog ini terus update N bisa buat jadi tempat qt smua
nyurahin insirasi dan juga menjalin komunikasi :D
FF is d'Best dah :P
Btw nitip promosi blog gw jg yach :D
bolay.co.cc hehehehhe :D
Pizzzzz :P
eh iya ada tambahan :D
klo ada yg mo edit store FF (kali aja ntar mo jualan:P)
masuk ke face-factor.cc.cc, gw kurang ngerti maskudnya, tp klo liat contohnya disini lo bisa masukin barang ato apa aja buat lo jual. Hope ini ada gunanya :D

Domain Name Buat Blog


Dolo pada saat pertama kali internet diciptakan.. rasanya kirim email itu dah "WOW" banget.. Karena pada saat ada jamannya internet belom semua org bisa menggunakan email.. nah ketika era berubah. Dimana ada namanya chatting.. Org mulai menggunakan komunikasi melalui chatting.. karena chatting membuat kita mudah untuk berkomunikasi dengan seseorg..

Pada saat sekarang.. Chatting mulai sudah ditinggalkan.. kebanyakan org sudah melalui video call or call.. untuk mempermudah komunikasi.. Blog FF memperkenalkan Software yg namanya Ventrilo.. Dimana software ini membuat kita lebih mudah berkomunikasi Voice Call antara satu temen.. ataupun dengan conference call..

Untuk mendownload software ini segera layangkan address bar anda ke www.ventrilo.com lalu download software client =3

Mungkin saya tidak bisa mengupload gambar or dsbnya!!! tetapi apabila ada pertanyaan mengenai ttg ventrilo.. silahkan hubungi

YM : Isaac_sunz
